
International Business by Dr. R. Chandran

International Business
by Dr. R. Chandran
Price: BDT 750
Sale Price: BDT 638

International business has become a necessary way of life for both nations and corporates in order to grow and survive in the global economy. Alliances, acquisitions, takeovers and other strategic decisions are planned in different corners of the world. In the fast emerging global village anyone and everyone can seal his or her image by forging ahead. This process has led to business operations and business schools becoming more sophisticated with knowledge, skills and information. The first edition of this book embarks on various methods of operations in international business, recent developments in the world economy and their implications in international business. Strategic approaches that can be used by the business community to explore and prosper in different countries have also been analyzed. It emphasizes the challenges and opportunities being encountered by small and medium scale industries and large multinationals.

Pathak Shamabesh Centre
Shahbag: 01841234612
Uttara: 0184123460

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