by Gillian Flynn
Price: BDT 800
Sale Price: BDT 680
Gone Girl is a novel written by author Gillian Flynn. It is written as a contemporary thriller novel and is first published in June 2012. The novel’s core mystery stems from an uncertainty about the protagonist, Nick Dunne. Whether Nick killed his wife, Amy Dunne, is the suspense the novel is built up on. The novel is well received throughout the United States and other English-speaking nations.
Gone Girl centers its story about Nick and Amy Dunne’s strained marriage relationship. Nick used to work as a journalist, but loses his job. With his broke financial status, Nick decides to relocate from New York City to his smaller home town, North Carthage. In an attempt of recovering from his financial deprivations, Nick opens a bar using the money from his wife. Nick runs the bar along with his twin sister Margo, providing a decent living for his family. But, as they days go by, his marriage with Amy is falling apart slowly. Amy resents her new life.
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