Pathak Shamabesh

p53: The Gene that Cracked the Cancer Code by Sue Armstrong

p53: The Gene that Cracked the Cancer Codeby Sue ArmstrongPrice: BDT 800Sale Price: BDT 680 All of us have lurking in our DNA a most remarkable gene, which has a crucial job – it protects us from cancer. Known simply as p53, this gene constantly scans our cells to ensure that they grow and divide without mishap, as part of the routine maintenance of our bodies. If a cell makes a mistake in copying its DNA during the process of division, p53 stops it in its tracks, summoning a repair team before allowing the cell to carry on dividing. If...

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The Best of O. Henry by Jaico Publishing House

The Best of O. Henryby Jaico Publishing HousePrice: BDT 400Sale Price: BDT 340 This is a collection of short stories from the vast corpus of work that O. Henry has left behind. These selected stories not only give the reader a chance to read some of the best known of his works but also bear ample evidence of the wide range of his writings. Humorous and energetic, O. Henry's stories are marked by coincidence and surprise endings. They offer an insight into human nature and the ways it is affected by love, hate, wealth, poverty, gentility, disguise and crime. O....

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The Worlds War by Olusoga David

The Worlds Warby Olusoga DavidPrice: BDT 2000Sale Price: BDT 1700 A unique account of the millions of colonial troops who fought in the First World War and why they were later air-brushed out of history.World war one book of the yearIn a sweeping narrative, David Olusoga describes how Europe's Great War became the World's War a multiracial, multi-national struggle, fought in Africa and Asia as well as in Europe, which pulled in men and resources from across the globe.Throughout, he exposes the complex, shocking paraphernalia of the era's racial obsessions, which dictated which men would serve, how they would serve...

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No Logo by Naomi Klein

No Logoby Naomi KleinPrice: BDT 1400Sale Price: BDT 1190 ‘No Logo’ was a book that defined a generation when it was first published in 1999. For its 10th anniversay Naomi Klein has updated this iconic book. By the time you’re twenty-one, you’ll have seen or heard a million advertisements. But you won’t be happier for it. This is a book about that much-maligned, much-misunderstood generation coming up behind the slackers, who are being intelligent and active about the world in which they find themselves. It is a world in which all that is ‘alternative’ is sold, where any innovation or...

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Capital by Karl Marx

Capital by Karl MarxPrice: BDT 1100Sale Price: BDT 935 “Money is the alienated essence of man’s labor and life;and this alien essence dominates him as he worships it.”From the concepts of commodities and money, surplus-value of labor, the accumulation of capital and its process of circulation, to the conversion of surplus value into profit and transformation of surplus-profit into ground rent, Karl Marx’s Capital presents his theory of the capitalist system.Regarded as a significant work of the modern economic thought, this magnum opus is a comprehensive critique on the political economy. This edition contains all the three volumes of the...

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ফ্রানৎস কাফকার জন্মদিন আজ

বিংশ শতাব্দীর বিশ্বসাহিত্যের সবচেয়ে প্রভাবশালী লেখক ফ্রানৎত কাফকা। শেকসপিয়ারের পরে আর কোনো লেখককে নিয়ে এতটা গবেষণা হয়নি, যা হয়েছে কাফকাকে নিয়ে। গত শতকের নব্বইয়ের দশকের মধ্যভাগের আগেই তাঁকে নিয়ে লেখা হয়ে গেছে ১০ হাজার বই। আর ১৯৯৬ থেকে ২০১০ পর্যন্ত সময়ে প্রতি ১০ দিনে তাঁর ওপর বের হয়েছে একটি করে নতুন বই। মাত্র নয়টি পূর্ণাঙ্গ গল্প, তিনটি অসমাপ্ত উপন্যাস, সামান্য কয়টি অসমাপ্ত বড় গল্প, কিচু গদ্য-স্কেচ, ডায়েরি ও চিঠি রেখে যাওয়া এই লেখকের - যিনি বন্ধুকে আদেশ দিয়ে গিয়েছিলেন তাঁর সব লেখা পুড়িয়ে ফেলতে - ক্ষুদ্রায়তন পাণ্ডুলিপির মূল্য ধরা হয়েছিল ১০ কোটি পাউন্ড, কিন্তু অক্সফোর্ডবিশ্ববিদ্যালয় তা বেচেনি। এ পর্যন্ত সাহিত্য...

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