Dr. Sayeedul H. Khan is a Professor of Marketing at the University of Dhaka. An old-timer in consultancies and with Human Development Research Centre (HDRC), is more after quality than quantity. Appreciated by many for crispy writing and comments, runs the website muktee.com.

Dr. Shantanu Majumder is an Associate Professor of Depart-ment of Political Science at the University of Dhaka. His research interest includes religion in politics and state affairs, democracy, political economy, local governance, human rights, and state violence.

Muhammad Badiuzzaman is a Researcher at Human Develop-ment Research Centre (HDRC), Dhaka. He has co-authored two books: Political Economy of Madrassa Education in Bangladesh: Genesis, Growth and Impact, and Development as Conscientization: The Case of Nijera Kori in Bangladesh. Currently, he is pursuing PhD at the ISS in The Netherlands.

Nazme Sabina is a Development Economist. She has a track record of more than eighteen years in the development sector. With her degree in Economics from University of Dhaka and specialization in Development Economics from University of London, Ms. Sabina works in policy and research focusing on food security, livelihoods, health system, and equity.

Kawsher Ahamed is a Research Associate at Human Development Research Centre (HDRC). His research interest includes governance, decentralization, and rural development.

Md. Abdullah is consultant at Human Development Research Centre (HDRC). He served thirty years in the government working as BCS Economic Cadre for different Ministries / Divisions specializing in planning and development. His areas of interest include local government, decentralization, and health policy.