Enjoy the thrills and excitement of enchanting irreplicable travel experiences from all corners of the World.
This fairy-tale book is totally different from the traditional travel guides, dealing uniquely with UN Duty Travel focusing on unplanned, accidental, surprise, often thrilling, huge number of episodes which can rarely be replicated by any fun-seeking adventure-loving traveler.
“Iftikhar has chosen to tell not only the pleasures but the unavoidable incidents which accompany the work of someone who could be called a travelling salesman for social justice. In this monograph he demystifies the workings of the international civil service.”
―Kari Tapiola, Formerly Deputy Director-General, International LabourOrganisation (ILO), Geneva, Switzerland.
“It is an informative as well as an entertaining book. It should help to make the work of international civil servants in the ILO and other organizations in the United Nations system better known and understood.”
―Jack Martin, Formerly, Assistant Director-General, ILO, Geneva.
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